LiveDataset Overview

Start here to find your way around LiveDataset.


Dataset Screen

On a dataset, you will see three main areas

  1. Use the top menu to go to another dataset. Here, you can go back to datasets you have visited recently or find datasets. You can also access help or logout.
  2. The dataset header gives you information and tools for this dataset. Here you can change views, filter and sort your data. You can also import/export data.
  3. The main data is shown in a scrollable grid. Depending on your access, you may be able to add, delete, or edit data here.

Change Views

Views give you access to part of a dataset, and if you have been given access to multiple views you can change between them.

For instance you might have

  • A view that gives you read-only access to all projects
  • Another view that lets you edit your own projects