Using LiveDataset

Edit data and create datasets you can share.


Permissions Needed for Design Mode

Roles and Permissions

LiveDataset manages what people can do in LiveDataset at a system level and within each dataset.

System Permissions

User can access datasets they have been invited to
Account Admin can make any configuration changes in design mode
–including creating, modifying and deleting datasets
can make people account admins
can modify account settings such as home page categories
can access billing information

Dataset Permissions

View entries can read some rows
Edit entries can also change data in some rows
Delete entries can read and remove some rows
Add entries can insert new rows

Apart from account admin users, views and people datasets are the main methods of controlling what data users can see and change. Together, views and people datasets define what data can be accessed within a dataset and what people can do.

Permissions Needed to “Build”

To make structural or “build” changes to datasets or make any configuration changes you need to be an account admin, so you can enter design mode.